Where have we been you may ask?

Traveling the East Coast and learning about the true maritime culture has kept us quite busy.. With daily room checks and trying to figure out renovations, all while having guests come and stay with us BEFORE opening and finally learning how to start cooking in our brand new kitchen, our time has been more than occupied...
To back track we are beyond grateful to have met the people we have in the last little while. From our next door neighbour who has lived here for 72 years, to our neighbour two doors down that provides us with unbelievably delicious homemade jam. This little community has spoiled us rotten. Not to mention the beautiful souls who have found their way into our home and touched us with meaningful stories about who they are. From Alberta to Saskatchewan to South Africa and many places in between, we consider ourselves so lucky to have reconnected with all of the kindred souls... and this is just the beginning!

Now to play catch up, it was April 5th when we took possession of this heavenly place on earth. Of course our next step was for the three of us -Cathy, Kelly & Tony - to open a bottle of wine and have a celebratory cheers in our new found paradise. After the bottle had suddenly ran dry, we knew it was time to get the ball rolling and get down to business.
The Renovations....
What an experience that we both would love to say is over, but instead we are still dealing with the building, demolitions and a few added touches that will allow us to add a little bit of ourselves to the mix. What's that saying about renovations .. they always cost more and take longer than one anticipates lol. Very true, but again in our case, this particular experience has provided us the opportunity to get to know some locals, leading to our next point.

The Community...
A throwback to the good old days would be the best way to describe. Imagine yourself stepping back in time to the preservation of historical homes and the genuine charm of the people. We have been welcomed by absolutely every person we have come in contact with. From the many villages to the quaint towns, everywhere we go we feel as if we have just met new family members. The amount of education that we have acquired, strictly by means of communication with locals is indescribable. Being truthful, it is very hard to get things done when everyone loves to welcome and share - including the hired renovators who love coming in and having a good old cup of java.

The Journey...
To be welcomed into a place with such open arms and loving advice is only what one can dream about, but it is here in East LaHave where we have found this magic very quickly becoming our reality. It is extra special to have neighbours who come over to check in on you to make sure your day is going well, or to bring you a birthday cake on your birthday, or to bring you tools when it appears you may need them.... Even after all this has been said, the biggest thing that we have learned thusfar within this community is that the people truly care for one another. The relationships develop from the heart and carry on through the many moments spent together. It is these moments that have allowed for us to feel at home and to be able to lovingly open our doors to the many connections still yet to come our way at Toba's B&B.

Thank you for reading this and we do hope to keep you updated with our day to day lives as we begin to settle in with our new BnB life and routine.
Have a beautiful day,
Cathy & Kelly